復興とAIと建築 ー機械学習を軸にした小さな町単位での震災復興の提案ー /
Proposal : Using Machine Learning for Earthquake reconstruction on a small town scale.

京都工芸繊維大学 修了制作
制作者: 末次 健太郎
用途 : 専用住宅
期間 : 2022.10-2023.01


『Reconstruction, AI and Architects』
Over 40% of buildings in Gojo-Rakuen are expected to be destroyed by earthquakes.The desire to preserve such the townscape for future generation is the axis of this proposal.Making temporary housing the key component of reconstruction.I conducted machine-learning of the entire Gojo-Rakuen and used AI to design the exterior of housing.In this exhibition,I show process of reconstruction,rebuild 6 housings.